Friday, March 04, 2005

Do You Dare To?

Do you dare to? 
Could you bear to? 
When do I get my revenge? 
I can hear you whispering 
You are not a mystery 
Now it’s my turn to offend 
When I hear you care for me 
I go run and hide away 
Right away I
 cannot stay 
I shouldn’t even say 
What I’m about to say 
You brought me to my knees 
And made me beg 
Toyed with my head 
When you said you loved me 
Lies, deceit, you cheated me 
Out of time 
You wasted mine 
Spending it on you 
I can never have it back 
Why did you do that? 
I don’t want to see you 
Looking at you makes my stomach weak 
I shouldn’t speak 
But it’s a little late for that 
I don’t ever want you back

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